How You Helped!
Holiday Letter - Dec 2024
Dear Friends of Border Animal Rescue,
It’s been another year of love and rescue! And oh, so busy. We’ve received approximately 1,000 calls, emails, and other requests for assistance this year. We’ve rescued and adopted out more than 80 homeless cats and dogs (and have many still in foster!) and provided more than 370 spay/neuter surgeries in our Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) and Community Spay/Neuter programs. When funds allowed, we helped families with pet food, vet care, and even humane euthanasia for their beloved pets. As a small, foster-based rescue, we’re so glad we can help so many. We thank you for making it possible.

With your help and the can-do attitude of our committed volunteers, we’ve rescued injured strays living in derelict houses, kittens (sometimes orphaned) born under sheds and in drainage culverts, a kitten stuck in a chimney, and in one case, puppies abandoned on the highway.


Berry (Bear)
It was mid-summer when an individual working for the Border Patrol found five starving and dehydrated six-week-old puppies alongside a highway north of Douglas. The temperature was almost 110F and the puppies were in bad shape (the “before” photos are distressing). Our volunteer Grace immediately jumped into action.
Grace has a magic touch with dogs and puppies. She hand-fed and watered the pups, and all five survived the night. Sadly, after battling tick infestations, rampant intestinal parasites, and poor nutrition, two puppies did not make it. But the other three have grown up to be bouncy, beautiful, strong six-month-olds ready to take on the world! Berry, Chompy, and Carmel's wishes for forever homes came true at Christmas 2024!
Cutie is another survivor. We had an urgent call from a woman regarding a friendly cat she had been feeding. The cat appeared one day with broken bones protruding out of her back leg. Yikes! The rescuer called vets around town and was unable to find medical or financial support, so reached out to us. We had some limited emergency funds available, and then our “a-meow-zing” and compassionate social media supporters responded to our appeal for donations. Cutie’s injured leg was amputated. She fully recovered and didn't have to wait too long for someone special to want her to be part of their family in early January of 2025.

Rex and Allie
We truly cannot do any of this without you. Border Animal Rescue is a non-profit, all-volunteer group fully supported by grants and donations from our community.
Please help provide care to animals in need by giving what you can. Your generous gift today provides lifesaving veterinary care, spay/neuter services, vaccinations, and more.
Ways to donate:
You can donate by check and mail it to us at:
Border Animal Rescue
P.O. Box 3865
Sierra Vista, AZ 85636
- You can use your credit card or PayPal at www.borderanimalrescue.org/donate.
- At Venmo @BorderAnimalRescue
- At Paypal to borderanimalrescue@gmail.com
- Or you can scan the QR codes here:
Tell us your story!


Rex and Allie were born under a shed in Willcox, where kind people were feeding and caring for outdoor kitties. The people wanted to make sure no more litters were born, so gave us a call. That’s what our TNR program is all about! We trapped, fixed, vaccinated and returned the older cats, and brought these two scared munchkins into foster. They soon turned into purring fluffballs who now live the good life with an adoring adopter!

Also, please include Border Animal Rescue in your estate plans. And if you are required to withdraw a minimum amount from your 401K, donate to Border Animal Rescue to reduce your tax burden.
Thank you for everything you do for the animals. Best wishes for a happy holiday season and joyful new year.
David H. Kelso
President, Border Animal Rescue, Inc.
We are a 501(c)(3) charity, EIN 86-0946178.
We have a 4-star rating on Charity Navigator.
Join our family of volunteers! We need YOU!
Many thanks to azpetplates.org for supporting us again this year!